

Betonband, cloth tape resistant to any environmental condition (-10 °C to +60 °C); it can also be applied to uneven surfaces and stones. Due to its great versatility, this product is suitable for general repairs, DIY and agricultural and construction sectors.

  • High adhesiveness
  • Precise tear-off
  • Removable without breakage

Available colors:

Technical information:

Hot Melt

Temperature resistance:
– 10 °C to + 60 °C

175 µm

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    Duct 158 HM

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    Duct 158-S HM

    Duct 158-S HM, laminated polyethylene cloth tape with Hot Melt adhesive. Due to its high adhesive strength, it is ideal for sealing, repairs of all kinds, tools and packaging, surface protection and DIY applications.

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    Duct 220-S

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    Duct 300-S

    Duct 300-S, polyethylene cloth tape laminated with natural rubber adhesive. Due to its high adhesive strength, it is ideal for the auto body industry, sealing, repairs of all kinds, tools, packaging, surface protection and DIY applications.